Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA LDA), Lahore
(Recruitment Test)
List of Candidates
Test Date: Sunday, 27th November 2011
The candidates list of NTS test which will be held on 27 November 2011 to check the roll no of yours please enter your cnic no or search by name
On the Instructions of Chief Minister Punjab
Practical steps to ensure transparency and good governance to eliminate delaying tactics, corruption and commission mafia, thus restoring trust of citizens in Lahore Development Authority with the beginning of swift customer services center loaded with latest technologies.
1) Establishment of LDA One Window cell 2) Establishment of LDA Info Call Center 3) Issuance of Security Featured Documents

Lahore Development Authority, as principal planning and development authority of provincial capital, is striving hard to safeguard the ownership rights of people in its residential schemes. To ease its processes provision of swift technological solutions is one of the primary goals of LDA. The provision of dedicated services equipped with latest facilities to safeguard the ownership rights of people across the housing schemes of LDA and to facilitate transfer of properties, sale/purchase and payment of dues speaks volumes of public friendly endeavours undertaken by LDA. In order to Provide instant information and solution of problems under one roof, LDA One Window Cell and Info Call Center have been established. To eliminate chances of counterfeit and to transform process of documentation of owner ship fool-proof; steps like security featured transfer papers have been introduced. These actions have made LDA, the first Development Authority in the country, which has started provision of digital corporate services to common man. These services are a step towards elimination of all commission mafias and other such vices.

LDA One Window Cell
In order to safe guard vital interest of people and to rid them from the clutches of land mafia, one window cell has been established in LDA's Offices located on Main Boulevard, Johar Town. If someone is owner of some property in any, scheme of LDA, or if someone intends to purchase some property or is looking for solution of issues like payment of dues or transfer of property are there is no need to approach any employee of LDA or any property dealer etc. all he is required is to approach this one window cell and he will get each and every kind of help.
Get date of completion of work after submitting application of your work in LDA, One Window Cell.
Come to one window cell on due date and receive your file from respective counter after getting token.
In case, if your problem is not solved or on serious complaint, respective officer is bound to meet you himself in one window cell.

LDA INFO CALL CENTER (111-111-532)
Now one can access information about all pending cases/applications through LDA Info Call Center. An applicant is neither required to follow any official for completion of his job nor can any such official delay disposal of any application.

In order to safe precious properties of citizens from land mafia, first ever fool proof documentation system has been introduced in the history of LDA. To eliminate complaints like fake transfer letters or claims of more than one owner for some property, the ownership documents like transfer letter etc. shall henceforth be issued on security featured papers which contains security features like barcode, MCS fiber paper, manufacturing watermark with hologram and 3D images. This security paper carries a life of more than 100 years.
This paper is neither available in market nor can it be counterfeited. In Pakistan, only government printing press has the right to prepare and use such paper and it is almost impossible for land mafia to reproduce such documents. In LDA schemes, about ownership of plots, these are 13 different documents which an owner needs. In future all such documents shall be prepared and issued on this security paper, which includes their office copies as well, to ensure elimination of counterfeit at all levels. These papers carry such dedicated and secure features which make them impregnable for any counterfeit.
(Recruitment Test)
List of Candidates
Test Date: Sunday, 27th November 2011
The candidates list of NTS test which will be held on 27 November 2011 to check the roll no of yours please enter your cnic no or search by name
On the Instructions of Chief Minister Punjab
Practical steps to ensure transparency and good governance to eliminate delaying tactics, corruption and commission mafia, thus restoring trust of citizens in Lahore Development Authority with the beginning of swift customer services center loaded with latest technologies.
1) Establishment of LDA One Window cell 2) Establishment of LDA Info Call Center 3) Issuance of Security Featured Documents

Lahore Development Authority, as principal planning and development authority of provincial capital, is striving hard to safeguard the ownership rights of people in its residential schemes. To ease its processes provision of swift technological solutions is one of the primary goals of LDA. The provision of dedicated services equipped with latest facilities to safeguard the ownership rights of people across the housing schemes of LDA and to facilitate transfer of properties, sale/purchase and payment of dues speaks volumes of public friendly endeavours undertaken by LDA. In order to Provide instant information and solution of problems under one roof, LDA One Window Cell and Info Call Center have been established. To eliminate chances of counterfeit and to transform process of documentation of owner ship fool-proof; steps like security featured transfer papers have been introduced. These actions have made LDA, the first Development Authority in the country, which has started provision of digital corporate services to common man. These services are a step towards elimination of all commission mafias and other such vices.

LDA One Window Cell
In order to safe guard vital interest of people and to rid them from the clutches of land mafia, one window cell has been established in LDA's Offices located on Main Boulevard, Johar Town. If someone is owner of some property in any, scheme of LDA, or if someone intends to purchase some property or is looking for solution of issues like payment of dues or transfer of property are there is no need to approach any employee of LDA or any property dealer etc. all he is required is to approach this one window cell and he will get each and every kind of help.
Get date of completion of work after submitting application of your work in LDA, One Window Cell.
Come to one window cell on due date and receive your file from respective counter after getting token.
In case, if your problem is not solved or on serious complaint, respective officer is bound to meet you himself in one window cell.

LDA INFO CALL CENTER (111-111-532)
Now one can access information about all pending cases/applications through LDA Info Call Center. An applicant is neither required to follow any official for completion of his job nor can any such official delay disposal of any application.

In order to safe precious properties of citizens from land mafia, first ever fool proof documentation system has been introduced in the history of LDA. To eliminate complaints like fake transfer letters or claims of more than one owner for some property, the ownership documents like transfer letter etc. shall henceforth be issued on security featured papers which contains security features like barcode, MCS fiber paper, manufacturing watermark with hologram and 3D images. This security paper carries a life of more than 100 years.
This paper is neither available in market nor can it be counterfeited. In Pakistan, only government printing press has the right to prepare and use such paper and it is almost impossible for land mafia to reproduce such documents. In LDA schemes, about ownership of plots, these are 13 different documents which an owner needs. In future all such documents shall be prepared and issued on this security paper, which includes their office copies as well, to ensure elimination of counterfeit at all levels. These papers carry such dedicated and secure features which make them impregnable for any counterfeit.