Lahore:November 21:THE University of Engineering and Technology (UET) conducted the entrance test of BSc Technology for admissions to UET, Lahore campus (Kala Shah Kaku) and its affiliated colleges on Sunday. According to a press release here on Sunday, up to 4,000 students have taken the test at examination ( view the result read more )
centres set up at the UET, Lahore, and Technology Colleges in Faisalabad, Bahawalpur, Mianwali and Rasool College, Wazirabad. The answer copy has been uploaded on the UET website and the result will be displayed within a week.
Extra info
Deputy Speaker addresses a seminar on "The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today’s Pakistan"
Lahore (17th November, 2011) Punjab Deputy Speaker Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan presided over a seminar in the UET, Lahore on “The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today’s Pakistan” here on Thursday. Paying tribute to the great poet, he said that Iqbal had envisioned a separate homeland for the Muslims and Quaid-e-Azam had translated the dream into reality. “Millions of lives were sacrificed in the process of achieving independence, however, the true purpose of Pakistan’s creation had still not been achieved, he added.

Deputy Speaker Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan presiding over a seminar on the The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today Pakistan while the Vice-Chancellor Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan and debating society members seated on the stage
He said that no nation could achieve prosperity by depending on others and despite being a nuclear power, Pakistan was still considered a beggar country. He said that nuclear power and beggary cannot go together and it was high time the country broke its begging bowl and relied on indigenous resources.
Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan briefed the Iqbal’s Philosphy of Khudi and said that we should face the circumstances manfully and thanked the Deputy Speaker for sparing his valuable time for the occasion.
All Deans of Faculties, Chairmen of teaching departments, DSA, Professors, teachers, intellectuals and a large number of students were present on the occasion.
Entry Test for B.Sc Technology/B-Tech Programs (Entry-2011) scheduled to be held on 20th November, 2011
Lahore (14th November, 2011) University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Entry Test for B.Sc Technology/B-Tech Programs (Entry-2011) scheduled to be held on 20th November, 2011. Those candidates who could not submit their application till 3rd November, 2011 due to some reasons can submit now. The candidates who wish to apply can submit their application on 17th and 18th November, 2011. For further information please contact with the admission office.
Public Relations OfficerIEEEP in Collaboration with UET, Lahore organized a National Confrence on "Electric Power Deficit" on Saturday, 29th October, 2011
Recommendations of the National Conference on Electric Power Deficit held by the Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Pakistan (IEEEP) in collaboration with UET Lahore on October 29, 2011.
The Chief Guest of the conference was Dr. Samar Mubarakmand and was chaired by President IEEEP Engr. Tahir Basharat Cheema.
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan addressing a good number of newly admitted students at UET Auditorium Complex Hall

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan addressing a good number of newly admitted students at UET Auditorium Complex Hall.

1st All Pakistan Contest at KSK Campus
1st All Pakistan Explore Engineering& Technology Contest held on October 22nd, 2011 at Main Library of University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (KSK – Campus). Event was organized by Department of Chemical, Polymer and Composite Materials Engineering with collaboration ofAIChE UET (KSK Chapter)under aegis of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zafar Noon(Chairman / Campus Coordinator). Chief Organizer of event was Engr. IzzatIqbalCheema, Student Advisor AIChE UET (KSK Chapter).
Event was featured as:
Summer Undergraduate Industrial Training (SUIT); Poster Presentations
Student Experience Photo Contest (SEPC)

Participants and Spectators at Posters Galleries, 210 students from different Institutes throughout Pakistan: University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (Main & KSK Campus),Comsats Institute of Information & Technology (Lahore), University of the Punjab (Lahore), National University of Science & Technology (Islamabad) andWah Engineering College (WahCantt) participated with 120 posters

Spectators at Photographs Gallery, 70 students from different Institutes throughout Pakistan: University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (Main & KSK Campus), University of the Punjab (Lahore) and Dawood College of Engineering & Technology (Karachi) participated with 50 photographs
Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif addressing a seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore

Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif addressing a seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore a good number of students and teachers present.

Vice-Chancellor Lt.Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan sees off the Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif alongwith Mr. Ahsan Iqbal and Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rahman education Minister after the seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore.
Lahore (13th October, 2011) Masahallah Shakiry, Iranian Ambassador for Pakistan called on Lt. Gen. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan Vice-Chancellor UET Lahore and discussed matters of mutual interest. Both sides agreed to enhance further Co-operation between UET Lahore and top Iranian Universities. The Ambassador offered four PhD vacancies to Pakistani students in Iranian Universities.

Vice-Chancellor, Lt.Gen. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presents Souvenior to the Irani Ambassador, Masahallah Shakry.
Public Relations Officer
Members of HEC Review Committee Visited UET Lahore

Group Photo of Members of Higher Education Review Committee for Ph.D program at UET Lahore with VC Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar VC Islamia University Bahawalpur, Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, VC Agriculture University FSD, Dr. Khalid Aftab, Ex-VC GCU, Lahore and Dr. Zafarullah Khan, Ex-VC BZU, Multan alongwith UET Deans, Dr. Zubair A. Khan, Dr. A.R. Saleemi, Dr. Saleem Abid Tabassum, Dr. Abdul Sattar Shakir, Dr. Muhammad Akram, Director Research and Dr. Ghulam Abbass Anjum, Director Studies present there.
Press Release
In view of the unethical behavior and gross professional misconduct of Asst. Prof. M. Raza Khan and Lecturer Riaz Ahmad, the Executive Committee Institute of Business & Management, UET, has unanimously decided to terminate their contract of service with IB&M UET with immediate effect and black list them for any future employment at IB& M and UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to blacklist both Ex-Faculty members for taking any assignment teaching or administrative, in any research/administrative institutions and Universities in Pakistan.
Mr. Tanveer Qasim
Dated: October 8, 2011
Mr. Raza A. Khan
Assistant Professor
UET Lahore
The Executive Committee of IB&M in its meeting held on October 8, 2011 considered your reply to the Show Cause Notice issued to you vide letter No.Univ/Reg/IB&M/01 dated 2.8.2011 and your request for termination of contract submitted vide No.IB&M/Faculty/MRAK/1 dated 24 September 2011.
The Executive Committee IB&M, in view of your unethical behavior and gross misconduct, has unanimously decided to terminate your contract with the IB&M/UET with immediate effect and also black list you for any future employment at IB&M /UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to black list you for taking any assignment teaching or administrative in any research/ administrative institutions and universities in Pakistan.
You are hereby directed to submit clearance certificate and vacate your office immediately.
SD. -------------
(Lt. Col. (R ) Abdul Rauf)
Dated: October 8, 2011
Mr. Riaz Ahmad
UET Lahore.
The Executive Committee of IB&M in its meeting held on October 8, 2011 considered your notice for termination of contract.
The Executive Committee IB&M, in view of your unethical behaviour and gross misconduct, has unanimously decided to terminate your contract with the IB&M/UET with immediate effect and also black list you for any future employment at IB&M /UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to black list you for taking any assignment teaching or administrative in any research/ administrative institutions and universities in Pakistan.
You are hereby directed to submit clearance certificate and vacate you office immediately.
SD. -------------
(Lt. Col. (R ) Abdul Rauf)
Researchers at Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science contribute to the global efforts to deploy domain names in local languages on the Internet
Currently, even if you want to access an Urdu website, you have to write the website address in English. That will be changing very soon, where you would be able to access websites by writing domain names in any language. Experts from around the globe have already developed an Internet Protocol (IDNA 2008) under Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which allows for the internationalizing the domain name system. Now, under Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization responsible for the operations of the global Internet, efforts are being made to make these internationalized domain names functional. In this context, six case study teams were formed by ICANN to do variant analysis for labels in different scripts, including Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek and Latin through the IDN Variant Issues Project (VIP)
Advertisement for Undergraduate Admission on Reciprocal Basis Entry-2011
Applications are invited from Punjab domiciled holders for admission against the seats reserved for Punjab Province on Reciprocal Basis for the Entry-2011 as detailed below:-
1. NED University of Engineering
and Technology, Karachi
1) Electrical Engineering
2) Mechanical Engineering
2. Mehran University of Engineering
and Technology, Jamshoro
1) Chemical Engineering
2) Civil Engineering
3) Industrial Engineering & Management
3. University of Engineering
and Technology, Peshawar
1) Civil Engineering
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
4) Mining Engineering
5) Agricultural Engineering
4. Mirpur University of Engineering
& Technology (MUST), Mirpur, Azad
1) Electrical Engineering
2) Mechanical Engineering
3) Computer System
4) Civil Engineering
5) Software Engineering
5. Balochistan University of
Engineering & Technology,
1) Civil Engineering
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
The applicants must have appeared in the Combined Entry Test conducted on 11.09.2011 by the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.
F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering) or its equivalent examination passed up to Annual Examination-2011 with a minimum of 60% marks and 60% weighted aggregate based on 70% of Intermediate and 30% of Entry Test marks.
The prescribed reciprocal application forms can be filled online by logging on to
The printout of filled application alongwith copies of required documents and payment proof can be submitted in the Students Section (Administration Block), University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
Application processing Fee of Rs. 100/- per form can be deposited in the University Account # 01280005533303 through Bank Challan available in the Habib Bank Ltd., Engineering University Branch, Lahore. Preference Fee of Rs.50/- for each preference shall be deposited in the same Bank through Bank Challan separately
Application forms can be submitted on working days from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon).
Incomplete applications and those received after the last date shall not be entertained.
Applications submitted through Post/Courier shall NOT be accepted.
Convener, Admission Committee
Ph: 042-99029216, 99029452, 99029470
THE ZTE-UET TELECOM CENTER is offering beginner level short courses in wireless communications under the supervision of professional instructors
The ZTE-UET Telecom Center is offering beginner level short courses in wireless communications under the supervision of professional instructors. The program details are as follows:
SDH/DWDM (Transmission) (26th to 30th Sep. 2011)
GSM-BSS (26th to 30th Sep. 2011)
CDMA-BSS (03rd to 07th Oct. 2011)
Morning (10am to 1pm) or
Evening (3:00 pm to 6:00pm)
Duration 5 Working Days
Fee Rs. 3500/course
To register, all the interested candidates are requested to contact the ZTE-UET Telecommunication Center (2nd floor Electrical Department UET Lahore) during office hours from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
Phone No: 0300-4244961
Director ZTE-UET Telecom Center, Lahore (Dr. Asim Loan)
Vice-Chancellor, Lt. G. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presiding over the 29th meeting of the Senate
The Senate of University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore held its 29th meeting on 17th September, 2011.The Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. ( R) Muhammad Akram Khan chaired the meeting on behalf of the Governor/Chancellor of the Punjab. The Senate approved the Recurring & Development budget for the year 2011-12 amounting to Rs.2327.898 and Rs.692.446 Million respectively. The Vice-Chancellor presented the Annual Report and briefed the Senate about Academic, Research activities and Development projects.
Read in Urdu!

Vice-Chancellor, Lt. G. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presiding over the 29th meeting of the Senate alongwith Prof. Dr. Zubair Ahmad Khan Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Registrar.
Lahore (14th September,2011) University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Convener Admission Committee, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Maud declared the Entry Test-2011 Result for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab. UET has uploaded the result on its website Last date of submission of Admission forms is 19th September, 2011. First merit list will be displayed on 28th September, 2011 (Evening) while last date of depositing dues and documents for 1st merit list is 3rd October, 2011. The classes will commence on 10th October, 2011.
Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan congratulated the Convener Admission Committee and his whole team for excellent performance. It is pertinent to mention here that 41,000 candidates were expected but about to20% students dropped out because of their week performance in F.Sc Exams. Out of 41,000 candidates 31,292 participated in the Entry Test. Statistical Chart of Entry Test-2011 is as under:-
On 13th august 2011, Higher Education Commission in collaboration with Microsoft Pakistan has launched NSSA (National Students Software Accessibility) Portal to provide genuine Microsoft products availability to higher education sector. The service will streamline software distribution to all faculty members and students of the universities of Pakistan recognized by HEC.
The event was held at HEC Auditorium, Islamabad lead by Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi (Executive Director HEC) and Chief Guest Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada (Minister of Professional and Technical Training). Mr. Iftikhar (Consultant IT) has attended the event as a representative of UET Lahore on the behalf of Worthy Vice Chancellor in HEC Regional Center Lahore. He appreciated the efforts and hard work of HEC and Microsoft for this project.Readmore
MSDN Portal
PRESS RELEASE (Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) was conducted by UET on 11th September, 2011)
Lahore (11th September,2011) Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) was conducted by UET on 11th September, 2011. 41,000 candidates were expected but about 10 to 15% students dropped out because of their week performance in F.Sc Exams. The test was held at UET Lahore, UET Taxila, BZU Engineering College Multan, Islamia University Bahawalpur, NFC Institute of Engineering Research & Fertilizer Faisalabad, University of Gujrat, Siddeeq Public School Satellite Town Rawalpindi, NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar and Serena Hotel Quetta simultaneously.

Students are taking Entry Test in the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore while in set the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan is holding the press conference.
While speaking to the media persons the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan said that as per feed back from the candidates it was a balanced paper and there was no tension over the students. Latest techniques were used for the preparation of the paper and these techniques will be further improved in future.
The test was conducted in a peaceful environment and no untoward incident was reported anywhere. Special measures were adopted to ensure secrecy and transparency of the test. The result of the test will be declared by 18th September, 2011.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (06 sep, 2011) The University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore has awarded Ph.D degrees in two different disciplines to Jamal Gul (Chemical Engg.) and Khurshid Aslam (Physics). Jamal Gul completed his research on the topic of “Investigation on Thermal & Ablation Characteristics of EPDM-Fillers Composites” while Mr. Khurshid Aslam completed his research on the topic of “Plume Dynamics and Radiation Emission from Laser Plasmas”.
Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, Vice-Chancellor, UET congratulated on completion of their Ph.D programme.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (6th September, 2011) Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) will be held on 11th September, 2011 (Sunday) at 10.00 A.M. simultaneously at UET Lahore, UET Taxila, BZU Engineering College Multan, Islamia University Bahawalpur, NFC Institute of Engineering Research & Fertilizer Faisalabad, University of Gujrat, Siddeeq Public School 6th Road Satellite Town Rawalpindi, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar and Balochistan Boys Scout Association Office Quetta. All the candidates are advised to reach the Test Centers at least one hour before the commencement of Test.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (6th September, 2011) Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan Vice-Chancellor, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore was given a briefing on the various departments like Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture department and City and Regional Planning department followed by visit to research centre.
He said that the education can also overcome the menace of poverty, unemployment and even terrorism in the country.
Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akrman Khan acknowledged the achievements of the departments. He stressed the need to have more Ph.D faculty in the university which is vital for quality education.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (25th August, 2011) Dr. Zahid Ahmed siddique, Professor Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore won the Prime Minister Award for conducting research on “Bond Strength of Model Steel and other steel”.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmed Siddique was also given the cash prize for the research work he completed in a record time. He conducted the study to evaluate the bond performance of model steel reinforcing bars. The study was carried out according to the AC1408.2R-92 pullout test6s which were conducted on fully automatic strain controlled universal testing machine of Shimazu, Japan. The data was recorded by the data acquisition system of a machine at every 50 millisecond.
The pullout samples were prepared with normal strength concrete having compressive strength of 30 MPA. The recorded slimp value was 85 mm. the embedded length was selected to be 12 d.
These pullout samples were put in a specially designed assembly to grip them in the testing machine. This assembly has the arrangement to eliminate any eccentricity during casting of the samples. The tests were conducted after 28 days.
State-of-the-art strain controlled fully computerized universal testing machine was used for the tests. The machine has its own data acquisition system. It recorded the data at every 50 millisecond time interval. Moreover being servo controlled, it also provided whole post peak bond behaviour which was not possible with the load controlled ordinary testing machine.
UET Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan and Teaching Staff Association congratulated the Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmed Siddique on receiving this award.

Public Relations Officer
Lahore (17th August 2011) Recently some sections of the national press have been publishing different types of news about the IB&M etc. The factual position is as under:-
Institute of Business and Management (IB&M) was established in 2009. It was given autonomy by the UET as it had to manage the finances through its own income. IB&M Annual External Audit was due after June 2010. The Resident Auditor of the University advised the management of the Institute to prepare for the Annual External Audit. Somehow the remarks of the Resident Auditor went into the hands of Assistant Professor Reza, who widely circulated its copies to oust the Director. When he saw that the Director was not removed, he started maligning the university. A Probe Committee was constituted by the University to look into the White Paper published by M. Reza and others. On the recommendations of the Probe Committee the following corrective measures have been taken:-
IB&M has been brought under the administrative and financial control of the university.
Pre audit has been completed by the Resident Auditor who has pointed out some procedural irregularities, but no incident of corruption has come to his notice.
External Audit is about to start through an independent reputable audit firm.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (13th August, 2011) The University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore has awarded Ph.D degrees in two different disciplines to Muhammad Burhan Sharif (Civil Engg.) and Anwar Latif (Physics). Muhammad Burhan Sharif completed his research on the topic of “Development of Strength and Durability of Concrete Incorporating Local Metakaolin” while Mr. Anwar Latif completed his research on the topic of “The Diagnostic and Analysis of Optical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Laser Ablated Materials”.
UET Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, congratulated on completion of their Ph.D programme.
Public Relations Officer
Press Release of VC' Interview
Sunday Magazine "NAWA-E-WAQT"
Read Press Release
Press Release about Office Timings
Lahore (1st August, 2011) University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore and its Campuses/Constituent College will observe the following office timing during the Holy Month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak, effective from 1st Ramazan-ul-Mubarak (1432 A.H).
All working days (Monday to Thursday & Saturday) 08:00 A.M to 02:00 P.M with prayer break 12:30 P.M to 01:00 P.M and Friday 08:00 A.M to 12:00 Noon.
Read Press Release
Rana Tanveer Qasim
(Public Relation Officer)
Press Release of VC' Interview
Sunday Magazine "WAQT" 31st July, 2011
Read Press Release
Press Release about University
Sunday Magazine "JANG" 7th Nov, 2010
Read Press Release
Press Release
Announcement of New Date and Admission Committee for Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Entry 2011
Resignation of Prof. Dr. Saleem Abid Tabassum as Conv. Admission Committee, and Prof. Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Ch. as a Cheif Coordinator Entry Test 2011, has been accepted
The Vice Chanceller has been pleased to constituted a new admission committee
The new date for Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Entry 2011 will be
11th September; 2011The test will be conducted on the basis of already submitted Applications and allocated Roll Numbers Read Press Release
Rana Tanveer Qasim
(Public Relation Officer)
Our Distinction!
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, Chairman, Dept. of Physics, UET, Lahore and Prof. Dr. Faiz-ul-Hassan, Campus Coordinator, UET-KSK Campus , and Prof. Dr. Saleem Shuja have been selected for the Vice-Chancellors of Govt. College University Lahore, University of Education, Lahore, and University of Lahore (Private Sector) respectively.These professors have joined their duties.
Report Sports Orientation of New Events Being Introduced During 2011-12 from 26th to 30th June 2011.
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore organized the Sports Orientation of New Events being introduced during 2011-12 under the aegis of Higher Education Commission Islamabad.
UET, Lahore sports department tried to organize this course in successful manners. UET, Lahore organized this type of coaching course first time at UET, Lahore campus.
In this course sports department arranged qualified resource persons from different games related sports federations of Pakistan. They delivered lectures on Wushu, Karate, Swimming, Judo, Baseball, Taekwondo, Net Ball, Rowing, cycling and Rifle Shooting
Chief Guest Chairman Sports Committee Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram distributed the certificates among participants and appreciated UET, Lahore sports department for organizing such mega event.
Muhammad Tanveer
Director Physical Education
Explore Chemical Engineering and Technology - 2011
This is NOT a set of competitions; it’s simply exploring Chemical Engineering and Technology. It’s looking for the events which can raise the profile of the profession and help community to develop, explore and understand Chemical Engineering and Technology. The tasks include;
Summer Undergraduate Industrial Training (SUIT); Poster Presentations
Student Experience Photo Contest (SEPC)
You are invited to share your industrial experience as well as innovative ideas with other students of the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. Have a chance to get participation certificate and win great prizes.
Entry Test and Admission process for Undergraduate Entry 2011
Entry Test and Admission process for Undergraduate Entry 2011 will start from June 2011.
Forms will be available from 5th June to 11th July, 2011
Entry Test will be Held on 24th July, 2011
Entry Test Result will be announced on 3rd August, 2011
Award of Biogas Technology Department
The Students and Research Associates involved in Biogas Technologies have won the following competition:
“Young Entrepreneur Business Competition” in Lahore Chamber of commerce & Industry.
TECHNOFEST 2011, University of Engineering and Technology
For the first time, the Technical Societies from the faculties of Electrical, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (IEEE-UET, IET-UET, EC, WIE-UET, ACM-UET and ASME-UET) are organizing a 4-day event, UET Techno Fest ’11 (18-21 May, 2011). It will feature different signature events of all the collaborating societies in one package, providing exactly what an enthusiastic participant wants. The event will feature a wide variety of;
Aawareness conferences
Seminars on non-technical topics
Women forum
Job fair and Entertainment
The purpose of the event is to provide students with an opportunity to showcase their engineering skills such as circuit designing, programming and coding in a wide variety of competitions, learn about the latest business trends, highlight their abilities in non-technical skills such as delivering presentations, drawing and photography, gain experience by interacting with professionals from the industry,
CE-UET Won3rd positionin All Pakistan Engineering Project Competition 10th NASCON 2011 at FAST-Islamabad on a two day event 16th-17th April 2011
Team Members: Zaib-Un-Nisa, Sidra Lodhi, Faqia Saeed, Beenish Abid.
Project Supervisor: Mr. Asim Rehmat.
Project Title: RELA?ARE
This device is designed as an aid for sleeping. There are many other methods for inducing sleep but this device uses a different method which is air conduction. It is a mechanical device which is attached to the outer panel of human ear. It works on the principle of linear motion. When it is switched on, the hand attached to it starts moving back and forth. The salient features of our project are to improve the sleeping patterns of insomniac patients and help to induce sleep. It is non pharmacologic and easy to use. The device is of compact size and is non-invasive. The device is designed for insomnia patients and children. It uses a process that vibrates the ear drum and gradually activates the vestibular system of internal ear, which in turns helps to induce sleep.
All Pakistan Inter Universities Swimming Competition From 10th TO 11th May, 2011.
The department of Mechanical Engineering KSK Campus is going to organize a “Technical Poster Competition” on May 12th, 2011.
The registration fee is Rs. 150 per poster whichis tobe deposited in the following bank account through depsosit slip (not challlan form):
Title of account: Chairman Mechanical Department KSK.
Account Number: 01287900621203
Branch: HBL, UET Lahore
The registration fee can also be deposited online using online deposit slip.
The registration form with registration fee in cashmay also be submitted to the office of Mechanical Engineering Department in office timings.To download the Registration form,
To apply online,
To download the advertising poster for the event ,
UET Computer Engineering has Won National Youth Award 2010 in the category of Computer Science & IT
ABC (Autmatic Baby Career) A , the project of CSE-06, Computer Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology , has Won National Youth Award 2010 in the category of Computer Science & IT
Project Name ABC(Automatic Baby Carrier)
Project Supervisor: Asim Rehmat
Project Team:
Saliha Butt 2006-CSE-10
Wajeeha Khalid 2006-CSE-12
Safia Kanwal 2006-CSE-19
Faryal Ali 2006-CSE-22
ABC has also won 2nd position in All Pakistan Science Fair 2010, GIKI
Bionic published internationally. Bionic, the project of UET CSE-06, the first humanoid robot of Pakistan also rocked throughout the session 2006
Project Supervisor:Mr. Asim Rehmat
Team Members:Ahmad Tahir, Behroz Sikander, Haseeb Ahmad, M. Haris Altaf, M. Zuhair Qadir
Project Title:Bionic
Center for Language Engineering at KICS-UET, is co-organizing Conference on Human Language Technology for Development 2011 at Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Alexandria, Egypt.
Human Language Technology (HLT) is a growing field of research and development, converging multiple disciplines including computer science, engineering, linguistics, sociology and cognitive sciences, striving to develop a natural, easy and effective user interaction with Information and Communication Technology. HLT, including localization, is particularly relevant for addressing access to information by the disadvantaged communities, including the illiterate, the rural poor, and the physically challenged population, especially in the developing countries.
Inauguration of Wireless Internet facility at New Boys Hostel
Newly constructed boys hostel has been equipped with Wi-Fi internet services designed and implemented by Computer Cell (ICT) under the supervision of Dr. Waqar Mahmood (Director Computer Cell).
The worthy Vice Chancellor Inaugurated the wireless internet facility setup on 1st April, 2011. The Public Relation officer Mr. Tanveer Qasim performed the Prayer on this event. The senior warden,Prof.Dr.Fiaz Hussain Shah Project Director, Mian Shahid Latif,Warden Prof.Dr.Neelum Naz, Members of IT department, and officials from Senior warden office were also present there.
Consultant IT Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar briefed the Vice Chancellor regarding the newly installed Wi-Fi infrastructure as well as accesses the digital library successfully and downloads the IEEE research paper.
The Worthy Vice Chancellor visits the different rooms of hostel and discuss with student to avail the wireless internet facility. Students are appreciating to get this facility. Currently, the wireless network can support more than 360 students.
The worthy Vice Chancellor appreciated the effort of the individuals involved in this project.
34th Annual Sports celebrated in the UET, Lahore Campus from 6th to 8th April 2011,
34th Annual Sports celebrated in the UET, Lahore Campus from 6th to 8th April 2011, Chairman Sports Committee Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram inaugurated the opening ceremony. During 3 days of Annual Sports day, competitions were held for different athletics event such as (Track Events: - 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m, 5000 m and 4x100 m Raley Race), (Gymkhana Events: - Sack, Slow Cycling, Wheel Barrow, 100 m Employees and three Legged Race),
Governer Visit to UETEMPLOYEES. March 08 2011
The worthy Vice-Chancellor has desired that the Computerized I.D Cards for all Newcomers Students Session-2010, New Appointee Faculties Member and New Appointee/Promoted Employees of all the departments be made. The Smart Advertisers will visit the departments as per following schedule for collection of Photographs and data: -
Get Detail [Download pdf]
International Conference on Water Resources Engineering & Management (Icwrem-2011) Starts on March 7-8, 2011 at UET Lahore
Water resources play an important role in the overall progress of a country. The proper utilization and management of available water resources according to the requirement has always been a crucial issue in developed as well as developing countries like Pakistan. The drastically increasing water demand and rapid changes in climate in whole world are posing serious threats of water shortage. In order to deal with the water related issues in future, improvement in current water resources management practices is needed by the healthy contribution of water resources engineers, managers and planners.
The Department of Civil Engineering of University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore is pleased to announce an International Conference on Water Resources Engineering & Management. The Conference will be held at UET Lahore, Pakistan on March 07-08, 2011.
Get Program Detail [Download pdf]
For more detail click <<ICWREM 2011>>
20th All Pakistan Debating Championship 2011 starts from February 25 – 28, 2011
UET Debating Society holds its annual All Pakistan Debating Championship during the debating season every year. It is a long standing tradition of the society that has achieved 19 successful events so far. The event spans over four days and constitutes of parliamentary and declamation forms of debating. This event is one of the most coveted and sought after of the debating circle all over Pakistan and is a matter of pride for both the society and the institution.
Continuing the tradition, this year UET Debating Society plans to hold the 20th Annual All Pakistan Debating Championship from February 25 – 28, 2011.
Fatima Tariq
UET Debating Society
UET, Lahore won the Final of All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (Men) Championship 2011
Lahore ( ), University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore won the final of All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (Men) Championship 2011.
The University of Faisalabad hosted All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (men) Championship 2011 under the aegis of HEC Islamabad. Eighteen teams from different universities of Pakistan participated in this mega event.
In the final match, University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (UET) won against defending champion University of Karachi. In this way team of University of Karachi got second position, while University of Agriculture Faisalabad got 3rd, G C University Lahore got 4th and The University of Faisalabad got 5th position.
(Muhammad Tanveer)
Director Physical Education
Professional Competency Enhancement Program under NAHE, Higher Education Commission (HEC) starts at UET Lahore
Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT), jointly organized by National Academy of Higher Education HEC Islamabad and Quality Enhancement Cell UET Lahore, has been inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor UET Lahore Lt Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan on February 21, 2011. The Inaugural Ceremony of PCEPT held in the Conference Hall of National Library of Engineering Sciences. Participants of this Program include 30 Lecturers from various departments of UET Main Campus Lahore, RCET Gujranwala, UET KSK Campus, and UET Faisalabad Campus. This Program spreads over a period of one month. It covers various aspects of professional competency development including Teaching as a Profession, Academic Planning and Management, Curriculum Development, Assessment and Evaluation, Learners’ Psychology, Andragogical Skills, Communication Skills, Research Methods and Skills, and Microteaching. A pool of highly experienced resource persons has been gathered who are expert trainers for all and sundry andragogical skills. In addition to the specified modules, guest speakers would be invited for the conduct of sessions on Emotional Intelligence, Professional Ethics and Motivational Leadership.
Prof Dr Ghulam Abbas Anjum
Program Coordinator/Director QEC
Release of Online Torwali Dictionary
Dept. of Transportation Engineering and Management won 2nd prize at the digital innovation and exhibition (DICE 2010) at institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad
BSc. Final year project (DTEM) won 2nd prize at the digital innovation and exhibition (DICE 2010) at institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad. Students M. Umer Shafiq (2006-TEM-46) and Sulaiman Majeed (2006-TEM-44) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. M Waseem Mirza developed Creep and Recovery Apparatus. The apparatus is used for evaluating the Creep and recovery properties of asphalt binders as a function of temperature. Total of 21 universities and 52 projects participated in the competition. The students won the 2nd prize under industrial Application Category.
Department of Transportation Engineering and Management, UET, Lahore
Honorable Chairperson HEC, Mr. Javed Laghari has inaugurated the Department of Product and Industrial Design, UET, Lahore on Wednesday
Higher Education Commission Chairman Prof Dr. Javaid A Leghari has identified accessibility to higher education, qualified faculty for higher education and relevance of knowledge being imparted in universities with the country and region as three core challenges to meet Pakistan’s economy on the track.
He said merely 5.1 per cent of population of Pakistan had access to higher education and this ratio wastripled by HEC during the last eight years. Still, he said, Pakistan had lowest ratio of access to higher education as compared to other countries of the world.
Prof Leghari was speaking to faculty members of the (University of Engineering and Technology after inaugurating the Department of Product and Industrial Design on Wednesday. He said Pakistan had a limited number of universities to cater to the needs of tertiary level education.
Comparing Pakistan’s accessibility to higher education ratio with other countries, he said Turkey ensured 27 per cent of its population’s access to higher education. He said South Korea borrowed Pakistan’s Planning and Development model in 1960s when it was providing higher education opportunities to five percent of its population. In 50 years, he said, Korea was offering higher education to more than 90 percent of population and was now able to have $200 billion experts.
centres set up at the UET, Lahore, and Technology Colleges in Faisalabad, Bahawalpur, Mianwali and Rasool College, Wazirabad. The answer copy has been uploaded on the UET website and the result will be displayed within a week.
The university of engineering and technology conducted these test for
admission in B.Sc to view your result please scroll down below
admission in B.Sc to view your result please scroll down below
Extra info
Deputy Speaker addresses a seminar on "The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today’s Pakistan"
Lahore (17th November, 2011) Punjab Deputy Speaker Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan presided over a seminar in the UET, Lahore on “The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today’s Pakistan” here on Thursday. Paying tribute to the great poet, he said that Iqbal had envisioned a separate homeland for the Muslims and Quaid-e-Azam had translated the dream into reality. “Millions of lives were sacrificed in the process of achieving independence, however, the true purpose of Pakistan’s creation had still not been achieved, he added.

Deputy Speaker Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan presiding over a seminar on the The Philosphy of Allama Iqbal & Today Pakistan while the Vice-Chancellor Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan and debating society members seated on the stage
He said that no nation could achieve prosperity by depending on others and despite being a nuclear power, Pakistan was still considered a beggar country. He said that nuclear power and beggary cannot go together and it was high time the country broke its begging bowl and relied on indigenous resources.
Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan briefed the Iqbal’s Philosphy of Khudi and said that we should face the circumstances manfully and thanked the Deputy Speaker for sparing his valuable time for the occasion.
All Deans of Faculties, Chairmen of teaching departments, DSA, Professors, teachers, intellectuals and a large number of students were present on the occasion.
Entry Test for B.Sc Technology/B-Tech Programs (Entry-2011) scheduled to be held on 20th November, 2011
Lahore (14th November, 2011) University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Entry Test for B.Sc Technology/B-Tech Programs (Entry-2011) scheduled to be held on 20th November, 2011. Those candidates who could not submit their application till 3rd November, 2011 due to some reasons can submit now. The candidates who wish to apply can submit their application on 17th and 18th November, 2011. For further information please contact with the admission office.
Public Relations OfficerIEEEP in Collaboration with UET, Lahore organized a National Confrence on "Electric Power Deficit" on Saturday, 29th October, 2011
Recommendations of the National Conference on Electric Power Deficit held by the Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Pakistan (IEEEP) in collaboration with UET Lahore on October 29, 2011.
The Chief Guest of the conference was Dr. Samar Mubarakmand and was chaired by President IEEEP Engr. Tahir Basharat Cheema.
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan addressing a good number of newly admitted students at UET Auditorium Complex Hall

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan addressing a good number of newly admitted students at UET Auditorium Complex Hall.

1st All Pakistan Contest at KSK Campus
1st All Pakistan Explore Engineering& Technology Contest held on October 22nd, 2011 at Main Library of University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (KSK – Campus). Event was organized by Department of Chemical, Polymer and Composite Materials Engineering with collaboration ofAIChE UET (KSK Chapter)under aegis of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zafar Noon(Chairman / Campus Coordinator). Chief Organizer of event was Engr. IzzatIqbalCheema, Student Advisor AIChE UET (KSK Chapter).
Event was featured as:
Summer Undergraduate Industrial Training (SUIT); Poster Presentations
Student Experience Photo Contest (SEPC)

Participants and Spectators at Posters Galleries, 210 students from different Institutes throughout Pakistan: University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (Main & KSK Campus),Comsats Institute of Information & Technology (Lahore), University of the Punjab (Lahore), National University of Science & Technology (Islamabad) andWah Engineering College (WahCantt) participated with 120 posters

Spectators at Photographs Gallery, 70 students from different Institutes throughout Pakistan: University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (Main & KSK Campus), University of the Punjab (Lahore) and Dawood College of Engineering & Technology (Karachi) participated with 50 photographs
Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif addressing a seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore

Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif addressing a seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore a good number of students and teachers present.

Vice-Chancellor Lt.Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan sees off the Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif alongwith Mr. Ahsan Iqbal and Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rahman education Minister after the seminar on Dengue Road to Recovery Role of Youth at UET Lahore.
Lahore (13th October, 2011) Masahallah Shakiry, Iranian Ambassador for Pakistan called on Lt. Gen. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan Vice-Chancellor UET Lahore and discussed matters of mutual interest. Both sides agreed to enhance further Co-operation between UET Lahore and top Iranian Universities. The Ambassador offered four PhD vacancies to Pakistani students in Iranian Universities.

Vice-Chancellor, Lt.Gen. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presents Souvenior to the Irani Ambassador, Masahallah Shakry.
Public Relations Officer
Members of HEC Review Committee Visited UET Lahore

Group Photo of Members of Higher Education Review Committee for Ph.D program at UET Lahore with VC Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar VC Islamia University Bahawalpur, Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, VC Agriculture University FSD, Dr. Khalid Aftab, Ex-VC GCU, Lahore and Dr. Zafarullah Khan, Ex-VC BZU, Multan alongwith UET Deans, Dr. Zubair A. Khan, Dr. A.R. Saleemi, Dr. Saleem Abid Tabassum, Dr. Abdul Sattar Shakir, Dr. Muhammad Akram, Director Research and Dr. Ghulam Abbass Anjum, Director Studies present there.
Press Release
In view of the unethical behavior and gross professional misconduct of Asst. Prof. M. Raza Khan and Lecturer Riaz Ahmad, the Executive Committee Institute of Business & Management, UET, has unanimously decided to terminate their contract of service with IB&M UET with immediate effect and black list them for any future employment at IB& M and UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to blacklist both Ex-Faculty members for taking any assignment teaching or administrative, in any research/administrative institutions and Universities in Pakistan.
Mr. Tanveer Qasim
Dated: October 8, 2011
Mr. Raza A. Khan
Assistant Professor
UET Lahore
The Executive Committee of IB&M in its meeting held on October 8, 2011 considered your reply to the Show Cause Notice issued to you vide letter No.Univ/Reg/IB&M/01 dated 2.8.2011 and your request for termination of contract submitted vide No.IB&M/Faculty/MRAK/1 dated 24 September 2011.
The Executive Committee IB&M, in view of your unethical behavior and gross misconduct, has unanimously decided to terminate your contract with the IB&M/UET with immediate effect and also black list you for any future employment at IB&M /UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to black list you for taking any assignment teaching or administrative in any research/ administrative institutions and universities in Pakistan.
You are hereby directed to submit clearance certificate and vacate your office immediately.
SD. -------------
(Lt. Col. (R ) Abdul Rauf)
Dated: October 8, 2011
Mr. Riaz Ahmad
UET Lahore.
The Executive Committee of IB&M in its meeting held on October 8, 2011 considered your notice for termination of contract.
The Executive Committee IB&M, in view of your unethical behaviour and gross misconduct, has unanimously decided to terminate your contract with the IB&M/UET with immediate effect and also black list you for any future employment at IB&M /UET Lahore. It has also been decided to request HEC to black list you for taking any assignment teaching or administrative in any research/ administrative institutions and universities in Pakistan.
You are hereby directed to submit clearance certificate and vacate you office immediately.
SD. -------------
(Lt. Col. (R ) Abdul Rauf)
Researchers at Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science contribute to the global efforts to deploy domain names in local languages on the Internet
Currently, even if you want to access an Urdu website, you have to write the website address in English. That will be changing very soon, where you would be able to access websites by writing domain names in any language. Experts from around the globe have already developed an Internet Protocol (IDNA 2008) under Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which allows for the internationalizing the domain name system. Now, under Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization responsible for the operations of the global Internet, efforts are being made to make these internationalized domain names functional. In this context, six case study teams were formed by ICANN to do variant analysis for labels in different scripts, including Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek and Latin through the IDN Variant Issues Project (VIP)
Advertisement for Undergraduate Admission on Reciprocal Basis Entry-2011
Applications are invited from Punjab domiciled holders for admission against the seats reserved for Punjab Province on Reciprocal Basis for the Entry-2011 as detailed below:-
1. NED University of Engineering
and Technology, Karachi
1) Electrical Engineering
2) Mechanical Engineering
2. Mehran University of Engineering
and Technology, Jamshoro
1) Chemical Engineering
2) Civil Engineering
3) Industrial Engineering & Management
3. University of Engineering
and Technology, Peshawar
1) Civil Engineering
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
4) Mining Engineering
5) Agricultural Engineering
4. Mirpur University of Engineering
& Technology (MUST), Mirpur, Azad
1) Electrical Engineering
2) Mechanical Engineering
3) Computer System
4) Civil Engineering
5) Software Engineering
5. Balochistan University of
Engineering & Technology,
1) Civil Engineering
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Mechanical Engineering
The applicants must have appeared in the Combined Entry Test conducted on 11.09.2011 by the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.
F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering) or its equivalent examination passed up to Annual Examination-2011 with a minimum of 60% marks and 60% weighted aggregate based on 70% of Intermediate and 30% of Entry Test marks.
The prescribed reciprocal application forms can be filled online by logging on to
The printout of filled application alongwith copies of required documents and payment proof can be submitted in the Students Section (Administration Block), University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
Application processing Fee of Rs. 100/- per form can be deposited in the University Account # 01280005533303 through Bank Challan available in the Habib Bank Ltd., Engineering University Branch, Lahore. Preference Fee of Rs.50/- for each preference shall be deposited in the same Bank through Bank Challan separately
Application forms can be submitted on working days from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon).
Incomplete applications and those received after the last date shall not be entertained.
Applications submitted through Post/Courier shall NOT be accepted.
Convener, Admission Committee
Ph: 042-99029216, 99029452, 99029470
THE ZTE-UET TELECOM CENTER is offering beginner level short courses in wireless communications under the supervision of professional instructors
The ZTE-UET Telecom Center is offering beginner level short courses in wireless communications under the supervision of professional instructors. The program details are as follows:
SDH/DWDM (Transmission) (26th to 30th Sep. 2011)
GSM-BSS (26th to 30th Sep. 2011)
CDMA-BSS (03rd to 07th Oct. 2011)
Morning (10am to 1pm) or
Evening (3:00 pm to 6:00pm)
Duration 5 Working Days
Fee Rs. 3500/course
To register, all the interested candidates are requested to contact the ZTE-UET Telecommunication Center (2nd floor Electrical Department UET Lahore) during office hours from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
Phone No: 0300-4244961
Director ZTE-UET Telecom Center, Lahore (Dr. Asim Loan)
Vice-Chancellor, Lt. G. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presiding over the 29th meeting of the Senate
The Senate of University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore held its 29th meeting on 17th September, 2011.The Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. ( R) Muhammad Akram Khan chaired the meeting on behalf of the Governor/Chancellor of the Punjab. The Senate approved the Recurring & Development budget for the year 2011-12 amounting to Rs.2327.898 and Rs.692.446 Million respectively. The Vice-Chancellor presented the Annual Report and briefed the Senate about Academic, Research activities and Development projects.
Read in Urdu!
Vice-Chancellor, Lt. G. (R ) Muhammad Akram Khan presiding over the 29th meeting of the Senate alongwith Prof. Dr. Zubair Ahmad Khan Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Registrar.
Lahore (14th September,2011) University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Convener Admission Committee, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Maud declared the Entry Test-2011 Result for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab. UET has uploaded the result on its website Last date of submission of Admission forms is 19th September, 2011. First merit list will be displayed on 28th September, 2011 (Evening) while last date of depositing dues and documents for 1st merit list is 3rd October, 2011. The classes will commence on 10th October, 2011.
Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan congratulated the Convener Admission Committee and his whole team for excellent performance. It is pertinent to mention here that 41,000 candidates were expected but about to20% students dropped out because of their week performance in F.Sc Exams. Out of 41,000 candidates 31,292 participated in the Entry Test. Statistical Chart of Entry Test-2011 is as under:-
On 13th august 2011, Higher Education Commission in collaboration with Microsoft Pakistan has launched NSSA (National Students Software Accessibility) Portal to provide genuine Microsoft products availability to higher education sector. The service will streamline software distribution to all faculty members and students of the universities of Pakistan recognized by HEC.
The event was held at HEC Auditorium, Islamabad lead by Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi (Executive Director HEC) and Chief Guest Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada (Minister of Professional and Technical Training). Mr. Iftikhar (Consultant IT) has attended the event as a representative of UET Lahore on the behalf of Worthy Vice Chancellor in HEC Regional Center Lahore. He appreciated the efforts and hard work of HEC and Microsoft for this project.Readmore
MSDN Portal
PRESS RELEASE (Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) was conducted by UET on 11th September, 2011)
Lahore (11th September,2011) Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) was conducted by UET on 11th September, 2011. 41,000 candidates were expected but about 10 to 15% students dropped out because of their week performance in F.Sc Exams. The test was held at UET Lahore, UET Taxila, BZU Engineering College Multan, Islamia University Bahawalpur, NFC Institute of Engineering Research & Fertilizer Faisalabad, University of Gujrat, Siddeeq Public School Satellite Town Rawalpindi, NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar and Serena Hotel Quetta simultaneously.

Students are taking Entry Test in the University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore while in set the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan is holding the press conference.
While speaking to the media persons the Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan said that as per feed back from the candidates it was a balanced paper and there was no tension over the students. Latest techniques were used for the preparation of the paper and these techniques will be further improved in future.
The test was conducted in a peaceful environment and no untoward incident was reported anywhere. Special measures were adopted to ensure secrecy and transparency of the test. The result of the test will be declared by 18th September, 2011.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (06 sep, 2011) The University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore has awarded Ph.D degrees in two different disciplines to Jamal Gul (Chemical Engg.) and Khurshid Aslam (Physics). Jamal Gul completed his research on the topic of “Investigation on Thermal & Ablation Characteristics of EPDM-Fillers Composites” while Mr. Khurshid Aslam completed his research on the topic of “Plume Dynamics and Radiation Emission from Laser Plasmas”.
Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, Vice-Chancellor, UET congratulated on completion of their Ph.D programme.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (6th September, 2011) Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Undergraduate Programs (Entry-2011) will be held on 11th September, 2011 (Sunday) at 10.00 A.M. simultaneously at UET Lahore, UET Taxila, BZU Engineering College Multan, Islamia University Bahawalpur, NFC Institute of Engineering Research & Fertilizer Faisalabad, University of Gujrat, Siddeeq Public School 6th Road Satellite Town Rawalpindi, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar and Balochistan Boys Scout Association Office Quetta. All the candidates are advised to reach the Test Centers at least one hour before the commencement of Test.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (6th September, 2011) Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan Vice-Chancellor, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore was given a briefing on the various departments like Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture department and City and Regional Planning department followed by visit to research centre.
He said that the education can also overcome the menace of poverty, unemployment and even terrorism in the country.
Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akrman Khan acknowledged the achievements of the departments. He stressed the need to have more Ph.D faculty in the university which is vital for quality education.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (25th August, 2011) Dr. Zahid Ahmed siddique, Professor Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore won the Prime Minister Award for conducting research on “Bond Strength of Model Steel and other steel”.
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmed Siddique was also given the cash prize for the research work he completed in a record time. He conducted the study to evaluate the bond performance of model steel reinforcing bars. The study was carried out according to the AC1408.2R-92 pullout test6s which were conducted on fully automatic strain controlled universal testing machine of Shimazu, Japan. The data was recorded by the data acquisition system of a machine at every 50 millisecond.
The pullout samples were prepared with normal strength concrete having compressive strength of 30 MPA. The recorded slimp value was 85 mm. the embedded length was selected to be 12 d.
These pullout samples were put in a specially designed assembly to grip them in the testing machine. This assembly has the arrangement to eliminate any eccentricity during casting of the samples. The tests were conducted after 28 days.
State-of-the-art strain controlled fully computerized universal testing machine was used for the tests. The machine has its own data acquisition system. It recorded the data at every 50 millisecond time interval. Moreover being servo controlled, it also provided whole post peak bond behaviour which was not possible with the load controlled ordinary testing machine.
UET Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan and Teaching Staff Association congratulated the Prof. Dr. Zahid Ahmed Siddique on receiving this award.

Public Relations Officer
Lahore (17th August 2011) Recently some sections of the national press have been publishing different types of news about the IB&M etc. The factual position is as under:-
Institute of Business and Management (IB&M) was established in 2009. It was given autonomy by the UET as it had to manage the finances through its own income. IB&M Annual External Audit was due after June 2010. The Resident Auditor of the University advised the management of the Institute to prepare for the Annual External Audit. Somehow the remarks of the Resident Auditor went into the hands of Assistant Professor Reza, who widely circulated its copies to oust the Director. When he saw that the Director was not removed, he started maligning the university. A Probe Committee was constituted by the University to look into the White Paper published by M. Reza and others. On the recommendations of the Probe Committee the following corrective measures have been taken:-
IB&M has been brought under the administrative and financial control of the university.
Pre audit has been completed by the Resident Auditor who has pointed out some procedural irregularities, but no incident of corruption has come to his notice.
External Audit is about to start through an independent reputable audit firm.
Public Relations Officer
Lahore (13th August, 2011) The University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore has awarded Ph.D degrees in two different disciplines to Muhammad Burhan Sharif (Civil Engg.) and Anwar Latif (Physics). Muhammad Burhan Sharif completed his research on the topic of “Development of Strength and Durability of Concrete Incorporating Local Metakaolin” while Mr. Anwar Latif completed his research on the topic of “The Diagnostic and Analysis of Optical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Laser Ablated Materials”.
UET Vice-Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (R) Muhammad Akram Khan, congratulated on completion of their Ph.D programme.
Public Relations Officer
Press Release of VC' Interview
Sunday Magazine "NAWA-E-WAQT"
Read Press Release
Press Release about Office Timings
Lahore (1st August, 2011) University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore and its Campuses/Constituent College will observe the following office timing during the Holy Month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak, effective from 1st Ramazan-ul-Mubarak (1432 A.H).
All working days (Monday to Thursday & Saturday) 08:00 A.M to 02:00 P.M with prayer break 12:30 P.M to 01:00 P.M and Friday 08:00 A.M to 12:00 Noon.
Read Press Release
Rana Tanveer Qasim
(Public Relation Officer)
Press Release of VC' Interview
Sunday Magazine "WAQT" 31st July, 2011
Read Press Release
Press Release about University
Sunday Magazine "JANG" 7th Nov, 2010
Read Press Release
Press Release
Announcement of New Date and Admission Committee for Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Entry 2011
Resignation of Prof. Dr. Saleem Abid Tabassum as Conv. Admission Committee, and Prof. Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Ch. as a Cheif Coordinator Entry Test 2011, has been accepted
The Vice Chanceller has been pleased to constituted a new admission committee
The new date for Combined Entry Test for Admission in Engineering Institutions of the Punjab for Entry 2011 will be
11th September; 2011The test will be conducted on the basis of already submitted Applications and allocated Roll Numbers Read Press Release
Rana Tanveer Qasim
(Public Relation Officer)
Our Distinction!
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, Chairman, Dept. of Physics, UET, Lahore and Prof. Dr. Faiz-ul-Hassan, Campus Coordinator, UET-KSK Campus , and Prof. Dr. Saleem Shuja have been selected for the Vice-Chancellors of Govt. College University Lahore, University of Education, Lahore, and University of Lahore (Private Sector) respectively.These professors have joined their duties.
Report Sports Orientation of New Events Being Introduced During 2011-12 from 26th to 30th June 2011.
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore organized the Sports Orientation of New Events being introduced during 2011-12 under the aegis of Higher Education Commission Islamabad.
UET, Lahore sports department tried to organize this course in successful manners. UET, Lahore organized this type of coaching course first time at UET, Lahore campus.
In this course sports department arranged qualified resource persons from different games related sports federations of Pakistan. They delivered lectures on Wushu, Karate, Swimming, Judo, Baseball, Taekwondo, Net Ball, Rowing, cycling and Rifle Shooting
Chief Guest Chairman Sports Committee Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram distributed the certificates among participants and appreciated UET, Lahore sports department for organizing such mega event.
Muhammad Tanveer
Director Physical Education
Explore Chemical Engineering and Technology - 2011
This is NOT a set of competitions; it’s simply exploring Chemical Engineering and Technology. It’s looking for the events which can raise the profile of the profession and help community to develop, explore and understand Chemical Engineering and Technology. The tasks include;
Summer Undergraduate Industrial Training (SUIT); Poster Presentations
Student Experience Photo Contest (SEPC)
You are invited to share your industrial experience as well as innovative ideas with other students of the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. Have a chance to get participation certificate and win great prizes.
Entry Test and Admission process for Undergraduate Entry 2011
Entry Test and Admission process for Undergraduate Entry 2011 will start from June 2011.
Forms will be available from 5th June to 11th July, 2011
Entry Test will be Held on 24th July, 2011
Entry Test Result will be announced on 3rd August, 2011
Award of Biogas Technology Department
The Students and Research Associates involved in Biogas Technologies have won the following competition:
“Young Entrepreneur Business Competition” in Lahore Chamber of commerce & Industry.
TECHNOFEST 2011, University of Engineering and Technology
For the first time, the Technical Societies from the faculties of Electrical, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (IEEE-UET, IET-UET, EC, WIE-UET, ACM-UET and ASME-UET) are organizing a 4-day event, UET Techno Fest ’11 (18-21 May, 2011). It will feature different signature events of all the collaborating societies in one package, providing exactly what an enthusiastic participant wants. The event will feature a wide variety of;
Aawareness conferences
Seminars on non-technical topics
Women forum
Job fair and Entertainment
The purpose of the event is to provide students with an opportunity to showcase their engineering skills such as circuit designing, programming and coding in a wide variety of competitions, learn about the latest business trends, highlight their abilities in non-technical skills such as delivering presentations, drawing and photography, gain experience by interacting with professionals from the industry,
CE-UET Won3rd positionin All Pakistan Engineering Project Competition 10th NASCON 2011 at FAST-Islamabad on a two day event 16th-17th April 2011
Team Members: Zaib-Un-Nisa, Sidra Lodhi, Faqia Saeed, Beenish Abid.
Project Supervisor: Mr. Asim Rehmat.
Project Title: RELA?ARE
This device is designed as an aid for sleeping. There are many other methods for inducing sleep but this device uses a different method which is air conduction. It is a mechanical device which is attached to the outer panel of human ear. It works on the principle of linear motion. When it is switched on, the hand attached to it starts moving back and forth. The salient features of our project are to improve the sleeping patterns of insomniac patients and help to induce sleep. It is non pharmacologic and easy to use. The device is of compact size and is non-invasive. The device is designed for insomnia patients and children. It uses a process that vibrates the ear drum and gradually activates the vestibular system of internal ear, which in turns helps to induce sleep.
All Pakistan Inter Universities Swimming Competition From 10th TO 11th May, 2011.
The department of Mechanical Engineering KSK Campus is going to organize a “Technical Poster Competition” on May 12th, 2011.
The registration fee is Rs. 150 per poster whichis tobe deposited in the following bank account through depsosit slip (not challlan form):
Title of account: Chairman Mechanical Department KSK.
Account Number: 01287900621203
Branch: HBL, UET Lahore
The registration fee can also be deposited online using online deposit slip.
The registration form with registration fee in cashmay also be submitted to the office of Mechanical Engineering Department in office timings.To download the Registration form,
To apply online,
To download the advertising poster for the event ,
UET Computer Engineering has Won National Youth Award 2010 in the category of Computer Science & IT
ABC (Autmatic Baby Career) A , the project of CSE-06, Computer Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology , has Won National Youth Award 2010 in the category of Computer Science & IT
Project Name ABC(Automatic Baby Carrier)
Project Supervisor: Asim Rehmat
Project Team:
Saliha Butt 2006-CSE-10
Wajeeha Khalid 2006-CSE-12
Safia Kanwal 2006-CSE-19
Faryal Ali 2006-CSE-22
ABC has also won 2nd position in All Pakistan Science Fair 2010, GIKI
Bionic published internationally. Bionic, the project of UET CSE-06, the first humanoid robot of Pakistan also rocked throughout the session 2006
Project Supervisor:Mr. Asim Rehmat
Team Members:Ahmad Tahir, Behroz Sikander, Haseeb Ahmad, M. Haris Altaf, M. Zuhair Qadir
Project Title:Bionic
Center for Language Engineering at KICS-UET, is co-organizing Conference on Human Language Technology for Development 2011 at Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Alexandria, Egypt.
Human Language Technology (HLT) is a growing field of research and development, converging multiple disciplines including computer science, engineering, linguistics, sociology and cognitive sciences, striving to develop a natural, easy and effective user interaction with Information and Communication Technology. HLT, including localization, is particularly relevant for addressing access to information by the disadvantaged communities, including the illiterate, the rural poor, and the physically challenged population, especially in the developing countries.
Inauguration of Wireless Internet facility at New Boys Hostel
Newly constructed boys hostel has been equipped with Wi-Fi internet services designed and implemented by Computer Cell (ICT) under the supervision of Dr. Waqar Mahmood (Director Computer Cell).
The worthy Vice Chancellor Inaugurated the wireless internet facility setup on 1st April, 2011. The Public Relation officer Mr. Tanveer Qasim performed the Prayer on this event. The senior warden,Prof.Dr.Fiaz Hussain Shah Project Director, Mian Shahid Latif,Warden Prof.Dr.Neelum Naz, Members of IT department, and officials from Senior warden office were also present there.
Consultant IT Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar briefed the Vice Chancellor regarding the newly installed Wi-Fi infrastructure as well as accesses the digital library successfully and downloads the IEEE research paper.
The Worthy Vice Chancellor visits the different rooms of hostel and discuss with student to avail the wireless internet facility. Students are appreciating to get this facility. Currently, the wireless network can support more than 360 students.
The worthy Vice Chancellor appreciated the effort of the individuals involved in this project.
34th Annual Sports celebrated in the UET, Lahore Campus from 6th to 8th April 2011,
34th Annual Sports celebrated in the UET, Lahore Campus from 6th to 8th April 2011, Chairman Sports Committee Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akram inaugurated the opening ceremony. During 3 days of Annual Sports day, competitions were held for different athletics event such as (Track Events: - 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m, 5000 m and 4x100 m Raley Race), (Gymkhana Events: - Sack, Slow Cycling, Wheel Barrow, 100 m Employees and three Legged Race),
Governer Visit to UETEMPLOYEES. March 08 2011
The worthy Vice-Chancellor has desired that the Computerized I.D Cards for all Newcomers Students Session-2010, New Appointee Faculties Member and New Appointee/Promoted Employees of all the departments be made. The Smart Advertisers will visit the departments as per following schedule for collection of Photographs and data: -
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International Conference on Water Resources Engineering & Management (Icwrem-2011) Starts on March 7-8, 2011 at UET Lahore
Water resources play an important role in the overall progress of a country. The proper utilization and management of available water resources according to the requirement has always been a crucial issue in developed as well as developing countries like Pakistan. The drastically increasing water demand and rapid changes in climate in whole world are posing serious threats of water shortage. In order to deal with the water related issues in future, improvement in current water resources management practices is needed by the healthy contribution of water resources engineers, managers and planners.
The Department of Civil Engineering of University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore is pleased to announce an International Conference on Water Resources Engineering & Management. The Conference will be held at UET Lahore, Pakistan on March 07-08, 2011.
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20th All Pakistan Debating Championship 2011 starts from February 25 – 28, 2011
UET Debating Society holds its annual All Pakistan Debating Championship during the debating season every year. It is a long standing tradition of the society that has achieved 19 successful events so far. The event spans over four days and constitutes of parliamentary and declamation forms of debating. This event is one of the most coveted and sought after of the debating circle all over Pakistan and is a matter of pride for both the society and the institution.
Continuing the tradition, this year UET Debating Society plans to hold the 20th Annual All Pakistan Debating Championship from February 25 – 28, 2011.
Fatima Tariq
UET Debating Society
UET, Lahore won the Final of All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (Men) Championship 2011
Lahore ( ), University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore won the final of All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (Men) Championship 2011.
The University of Faisalabad hosted All Pakistan Intervarsity Chess (men) Championship 2011 under the aegis of HEC Islamabad. Eighteen teams from different universities of Pakistan participated in this mega event.
In the final match, University of Engineering & Technology Lahore (UET) won against defending champion University of Karachi. In this way team of University of Karachi got second position, while University of Agriculture Faisalabad got 3rd, G C University Lahore got 4th and The University of Faisalabad got 5th position.
(Muhammad Tanveer)
Director Physical Education
Professional Competency Enhancement Program under NAHE, Higher Education Commission (HEC) starts at UET Lahore
Professional Competency Enhancement Program for Teachers (PCEPT), jointly organized by National Academy of Higher Education HEC Islamabad and Quality Enhancement Cell UET Lahore, has been inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor UET Lahore Lt Gen (R) Muhammad Akram Khan on February 21, 2011. The Inaugural Ceremony of PCEPT held in the Conference Hall of National Library of Engineering Sciences. Participants of this Program include 30 Lecturers from various departments of UET Main Campus Lahore, RCET Gujranwala, UET KSK Campus, and UET Faisalabad Campus. This Program spreads over a period of one month. It covers various aspects of professional competency development including Teaching as a Profession, Academic Planning and Management, Curriculum Development, Assessment and Evaluation, Learners’ Psychology, Andragogical Skills, Communication Skills, Research Methods and Skills, and Microteaching. A pool of highly experienced resource persons has been gathered who are expert trainers for all and sundry andragogical skills. In addition to the specified modules, guest speakers would be invited for the conduct of sessions on Emotional Intelligence, Professional Ethics and Motivational Leadership.
Prof Dr Ghulam Abbas Anjum
Program Coordinator/Director QEC
Release of Online Torwali Dictionary
Dept. of Transportation Engineering and Management won 2nd prize at the digital innovation and exhibition (DICE 2010) at institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad
BSc. Final year project (DTEM) won 2nd prize at the digital innovation and exhibition (DICE 2010) at institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad. Students M. Umer Shafiq (2006-TEM-46) and Sulaiman Majeed (2006-TEM-44) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. M Waseem Mirza developed Creep and Recovery Apparatus. The apparatus is used for evaluating the Creep and recovery properties of asphalt binders as a function of temperature. Total of 21 universities and 52 projects participated in the competition. The students won the 2nd prize under industrial Application Category.
Department of Transportation Engineering and Management, UET, Lahore
Honorable Chairperson HEC, Mr. Javed Laghari has inaugurated the Department of Product and Industrial Design, UET, Lahore on Wednesday
Higher Education Commission Chairman Prof Dr. Javaid A Leghari has identified accessibility to higher education, qualified faculty for higher education and relevance of knowledge being imparted in universities with the country and region as three core challenges to meet Pakistan’s economy on the track.
He said merely 5.1 per cent of population of Pakistan had access to higher education and this ratio wastripled by HEC during the last eight years. Still, he said, Pakistan had lowest ratio of access to higher education as compared to other countries of the world.
Prof Leghari was speaking to faculty members of the (University of Engineering and Technology after inaugurating the Department of Product and Industrial Design on Wednesday. He said Pakistan had a limited number of universities to cater to the needs of tertiary level education.
Comparing Pakistan’s accessibility to higher education ratio with other countries, he said Turkey ensured 27 per cent of its population’s access to higher education. He said South Korea borrowed Pakistan’s Planning and Development model in 1960s when it was providing higher education opportunities to five percent of its population. In 50 years, he said, Korea was offering higher education to more than 90 percent of population and was now able to have $200 billion experts.